Hattons Originals DCR-18Pin-Direct 18-pin 4-function 1.1Amp direct plug decoder with back EMF
Any or Multiple Scales
18-pin 4-function 1.1Amp direct plug decoder with back EMF
The instruction manual can be viewed here
GÇó Fully DCC-Standards compatible
GÇó 32 light features
GÇó Unique 4-way Fluorescent-lighting control with easy 1-step setup
GÇó LED light level control
GÇó All functions re-settable and re-mappable
GÇó Supports advanced consisting
GÇó Supports Decoder Lock
GÇó Auto-adjusting back EMF never needs setup
GÇó Compact size (15mm x 9.5mm x 2.8mm)
GÇó Highest Reliability
GÇó Superb slow speed running on both DCC and DC
GÇó Super-smooth running on DC (DC locos will actually be smoother at
slow speed with this decoder in place than without it)
GÇó Adds constant lighting to DC locomotives
The Hattons decoder range may not work with Hornby branded controllers. They should work with any other controller and have been tested with all other major brands.