Corgi AA33010.(C) Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair French Navy 133722/15F 15F Flotille, Suez Campaign 1956

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Corgi   AA33010.(C)
1:72 Scale

Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair French Navy 133722/15F 15F Flotille, Suez Campaign 1956

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Product Description

(C) indicates this product is guaranteed to have a limited edition certificate.

The French Aeronavale needed a powerful carrier-born plane for the Arromanches, Bois-Belleau and Lafayette aircraft carriers, faced with the Indochina conflict since 1945. A version, The F4U-7 (dubbed "For French Only"), was specially developed to fulfill this need. It was equipped with a powerful P&W R-2800-18W 2100hp engine, and made its first flight on July 2nd 1952.